Practical, actionable steps to date the women you want

Practical, actionable steps to date the women you want

My name is Lloyd. My team and I are here to put an end to your frustrations with women and dating.

We coach guys a principled approach to getting good with girls.

Wouldn't it be easy to talk to girls if you knew what to do? We think so too.

Social Mastery

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Actionable Principles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Magnetically Attractive

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As Featured in...

Meet, attract, date, and keep

your dream woman.

My name is Lloyd and I am a dating expert for men.

My team and I have personally helped over a thousand men reach their true potential in dating. 

Whether you want to date higher quality women consistently, learn the basics of meeting and attracting, or you’re just tired of getting left on read and not knowing what to do, we are here to help.

My free advice reaches millions of people every day but the real change happens from following our step by step plan and working with us personally.


Years of Coaching Excellence




Infield Bootcamps


Course Graduates


What Lloyd’s clients have said about him:

"As a guy that is normally highly skeptical of girl advice from other men, I can say this program is truly worthwhile. Not because it teaches you the cheat codes, but because it focuses on getting to the core of what it means to be not only an attractive man, but someone who is squeezing the most out of life's opportunities...."

- Sean

"[Lloyd's] advice was always supported by practical examples, which made it easy to understand. I also like the "business" and "Self-help" elements of his approach. My conversations with Llord helped me understand the impact that Leadership can have in dating...."

- Jean

"What the F*** did you do to me man, lol. Been hanging out with this girl from France too..."

- Anonymous

"...Felt like there was no hope for both of us, and when I started watching your videos and implementing new strategies I realized I was going about things all wrong. Now, my Homie's got a new girlfriend who he's super happy with and I'm having the most success with women I've ever had right now and it's all thanks to you...."

- Anonymous

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Every day, I share practical and actionable steps to help you improve your dating results.

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Level up your results with women

Level up your results with women

Tell me if any of this resonates with you...


Female psychology is a mystery..

Have you ever asked yourself, Why do girls say they want a nice guy but go for assholes? To the uninitiated, girls will seem irrational. But trust us, what seems elusive today will lead you to deeper levels of connection you never thought possible.


You've (secretly) had little to no success with girls..

There's no shame in it. Most guys are actually bad with girls. Perhaps you would relate that some of the experiences you have had left you feeling frustrated, humiliated or confused.


A lot of the dating advice out there doesn't apply to you...

You've probably heard things like just be yourself, or there's someone out there for everyone. Your experiences tend to tell you otherwise... And a lot of other advice online seems manipulative, resentful, or only works for guys "with high status".

If you said “yes” to any of the above, then you’re in the right place!

Note: we felt the exact same way until we discovered our process and put in the practice.


Hi, I'm Lloyd Dixon.

When I graduated college I was confronted by a crushing reality: I was bad with girls.

None of the other guys I was hanging out with seemed to have the same issue. Was I was the only one experiencing frustrating loneliness?

Girls I liked didn't like me back. I thought I was unattractive and unworthy.

At my lowest point, I was swept away into a dark depression. I realized that if I was going to make it out alive, I had to face reality and overcome whatever was holding me back.

So I made the commitment to get good with girls, and spent the next several years practicing. I learned mostly through trial and error, until patterns emerged. I studied these patterns and discovered they were universal principles that anyone could apply to achieve the same result.

Now I teach what I mastered. The pain that almost took my life several years ago is my inspiration to help other guys overcome their darkness. I believe that being single is nothing to be ashamed about. Being single is actually the most exciting life chapter there is for a young guy. It's a time of self discovery, personal growth, and sexual adventures.

No more regrets! I want you to look back at this time with gratitude, passion, and respect. I'm inviting you on this journey. The only question is: what are you still waiting for?

Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus!

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  • Millions of views worldwide across all platforms

  • Here's some stuff

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Hold on! Have you considered the risks of not getting good with girls?

Let's be honest. If you're frustrated, confused, or anxious about talking to girls, this won't just vanish on its own.

Time is against you. It's a choice between progress or decline.

Countless men wake up bitter and alone in their 40's and 50's.

Would you rather tackle it now or wait until middle age?

Start today, and let's change the game.

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